
You May Only Be One Person But You Can Be One Person Who Makes A Difference!
Become a part of the world. Ready to become a volunteer?
Start Where You Are. Use What You Have. Do What You Can.

Volunteering Opportunities

We know that people are busy, but if you are interested you can still help by becoming an on-call volunteer and that does not require a regular time commitment.

Fundraising Volunteer

Register yourself as an online fundraising volunteer. Organize a fundraiser to procure garden supplies such as tools, seeds, and organic fertilizer.

Social Media Supporter

Working professionals and homemakers who have needed skills can also help us through online communication and social-media support.

Community Enrichment

Organize community members with equipment to prepare land or their technical knowledge will assist us in creating nurseries & plantations.

The Best time to plant tree is now

Prakrati inspires people to improve the natural world around them through a simple solution:
Making Donation for Planting trees and growing healthy communities together.
Donate Now!

Become a part of the world. Ready to become a volunteer?

Start Where You Are. Use What You Have. Do What You Can.
You May Only Be One Person But You Can Be One Person Who Makes A Difference!