Spread the Word

You May Only Be One Person But You Can Be One Person Who Makes A Difference. Start Where You Are. Use What You Have. Do What You Can. Be part of our awareness campaigns to let people know the importance of planting trees. You can contribute to tree plantation awareness campaigns by helping Prakrati get as much online & social-media support as possible.

Online Supporter

You can become a social media volunteer for Prakrati depending on which Social Media sites you are more active. Campaign to enroll more volunteers in new districts and states. Help us create strong system to successfully expand the tree plantation movement globally.

You can help us in raising funds in their own small ways. Register yourself as an online fundraising volunteer. Share our views with your colleagues, communities, partners and friends around the world, in order to remind them why and how forests are integral to sustainable development and action on climate change. Let us show the world how trees, forests and their surrounding environments make a difference to our communities. We encourage you to share our site with others and to spread the word about the relationship between us and trees. Promote Prakrati in your social networking profile and ask your friends to follow us.

The Best time to plant tree is now

Prakrati inspires people to improve the natural world around them through a simple solution:
Making Donation for Planting trees and growing healthy communities together.
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Become a part of the world. Ready to become a volunteer?

Start Where You Are. Use What You Have. Do What You Can.
You May Only Be One Person But You Can Be One Person Who Makes A Difference!